Sunday, September 19, 2010

away to mktb :((

hri ni last aq d rmh n dlm bbrapa jm lg im away to batu phat. hm, thn je tw hti aq skunk nii . remuk , sedey , bekecai ,ceh lebeh gler . huhu . hm, bsk da post trial 1 week n then i week free , imean ta da xm pas 2 PMR . hm, kjp je an . sme y tne sme ckp ea ye ke . antra advce y tlah dberi an;
  •  er, kakak study btol2 . slat jgn lpe . byk2 doa . 
  • 8A's okayy peeps (!)
    >goodluck .
    >don't be over confident .
    >just think it is just an exam like you always do .
    >be more careful and don't repeat the same mistake .
    >i know you all can do it .
    >chaiyok !
  • jgn tdo mse exm tuh . aq akn slalu doakn kaw dpt kptsn the best 

    hm , i'allah . ill do it the best tht i can . neway ;

    to all f3 student especially;
    fadhlan mohd noor
    luqman hakim
    izzati nadia
    fara khaleeda
    sharifah aqilah
    zafirah izzati
    amalina mat
    shazleen natasya
    nurisra fariza
    sh. athirah
    nur diani
    nurain zainudin
    alyani nazirah
    sara yasmin
    nisa jaafar
    nur diana wahab
    emmy jamilah
    afiqa z n no

    n all f3 student mjsc bpj


    puckish question la !

    Four songs by your favorite band:
    1. Dear God
    2. Seize the day
    3. A little pieces of heaven
    4. Afterlife

    Four last text messages in your inbox:
    1. Assalamualaikum -Fadhlan
    2. Hey , blek mktb jgn lpe bwk food byk2 tw . HAHA - Zaf
    3. Eyt sys , buhsan la . Ta bleh tdo - Aiysqi
    4. Akak , blek mktb jgn lpe study tw . slat jgn lpe . Mama akn slalu doakn kjayaan aka . - Mom

    Four favorite foods:
    1. Snickers klu tsgt bring
    2. Bihun tomyam
    3. Masakn mom
    4. Mi kari

    Four last things you purchased:
    1. Stationery for Pmr nant wok
    2. Food kt hstel
    3. Selndg bru . hee
    4. Topap .:)))

    Four reasons to be happy right now:
    1. Da syap sme hw , maybee
    2. Brg da syap pck
    3. Jmpe kwn2 d mktb
    4. Have been a good sister n daughter

    Four things you hate about work (or school):
    1. Bgn pg2 tu sesuatu y mnyekskn tw ta??
    2. All the rules , ohh , shitt
    3. Ad bdk bjet howt la
    4. The wardens . HAHA

    Four hobbies you enjoy dearly:
    1. Gossiping nan kwn 2
    2. Eating a lot .
    3. Txt someone
    4. Unl itu sgt besh

    Four things you love about your job (or school):
    1. Friends there . Tengs, u cheer my day la!
    2. Away frm family . freedom i think .hee
    3. Byk food bwk for my stock . HAHA
    4. Good student , i think la . hee

    Four green objects in the room you are in:
    1. Carpet
    2. CJ7
    3. Ad stu ptg ult belncs adek aq sest nihh
    4. Bju kud

    Four of the most beautiful cities in the world:
    1. Auckland
    2. Cape Town
    3. Batu Paht the best la!
    4. Kutub XDDDD

    Four places you have lived throughout your life:
    1. Senai
    2. Pasir gudang
    3. Batu pahat
    4. PONTIAN

    Four amazing people in your life:
    1. My dad n my mom
    2. My friends
    3. My sister
    4. Cyber-mate

    Four movies you can watch countless times:
    1. Eclipse kli ke bape tah
    2. Pirhana 3D
    3. The bones
    4. Vampire sucks

    Four things you've done this week that made you happy:
    1. Dpt duet rye la wey
    2. Txt someone
    3. Holly with my dad
    4. Gosh,PMR

    Saturday, September 18, 2010

    nabilah aiysqi , tengs for being my adek

    tengs for being my adek
     i love u so much dear 
     mybee dlu aka ta hrgai aiysqi , 
     but now im realise tht u are my truly adek 
    && i love u so much la. 
    Btw , tengs jadi perfect listener :)

    14324 :)

    Dy yang belh kiri ni . y knan 2 mkhluk mne tah .haha . sori paein !

    bestfriends (:

    hm, malm ni aq ta bley tido lgsg pasl pmr . gosh 17 dys more . hm, to time ; move slowly . so, bka lappy ni n sje na story bout all my friends kt mktb . haha. haruk,sengal,ngeng,mungek. sume ad ok , starter dgn desk mate aq dlu .

    hm , dye ni jnis y byk mlt cm mlut murai . smtymes caring nan aq .  howt gler mnah nii . ramy pmnat tp she only hve his own bgck shja . haha . slalu klu aq ta syap keje msti mke dye un kne dnde . kdg2 tckp lpas tp tape ive forget bout it . aka dye nazatul nadhirah n mereka bhgye . kdg2 klu kdit aq abes aq pnjm dye n dye pn cm2 jgk . haha . caring n nice person lah. dye sgt ske nan knder bueno . klu tgk ats mja dye ue memg byk la smpl kinder bueno pluss ad org y kasi . hm,seriously,aq still sy kaw la syg .

    hm,meet zaf in white . lg 1 ni adk dye yana ; na sme an . da nme un sblings 

    sharifah aqilah . hee . shes my teman susa senang . slalu tlong org klu org susa. hm,bdknye lawa ,slim , tggi , netball player n slalu kuar mkt wkil 4 bla jrg . hee . ank cg mida la kte an. sblings dye sgt rmy wey, bley wt team netball sndiri . haha . dye ni laen sket . klu hw 2 jgn ckp . kjp je da syap . bdk ni memg rjen syap an hw dy . ske wat smthg y sengal la. haha. a grgs plus joker 2 . haha . mcm bdut jgk smtymes .
     ni la qila

    farah khaleeda azizul;
    shes my soul friend la:) hm , a superb perfect listener too . good advisor . ske lpk nan dye n dye ske pgi blek aq n gossiping wth my rumet . haha . ta kn lpe tyme tuh . dlm hr dye best sgt . i always fight wth u but it doesnt mean i hte u girl . slalu g food kt lek kteorg . haha . thnx peeps . syg kaw gler vavi doe .

    ni plak my superb caring rummate;
    nuramalina mat
    hm, cmne na stat ea . shes my rummate n aq syg dy gler vavi la . slalu dy y kjut aq ta kre pg , ptg , mlm , sbh . haha . gle outing bdk nihh . byasela ank mnje la kte an . hee . smtymes emo jgk mnah nii . tape2 aq phm pmpwn byase la an . hm,slalu advce aq jgk . mlm2 dy slalu txt nan dk lua . haha . gle justin bieber snt2 . tnye je psl jb sme dye tw . fotogenik .

    Friday, September 17, 2010

    sumpaa suka lg ni - my immortal

    I'm so tired of being here
    Suppressed by all my childish fears
    And if you have to leave
    I wish that you would just leave
    Because your presence still lingers here
    And it won't leave me alone

    These wounds won't seem to heal
    This pain is just too real
    There's just too much that time cannot erase
    When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
    When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
    And I've held your hand through all of these years
    But you still have, all of me

    You used to captivate me

    By your resonating light
    But now I'm bound by the life you left behind
    Your face, it haunts my once pleasant dreams
    Your voice it chased away all of the sanity in me

    These wounds won't seem to heal
    This pain is just too real
    There's just too much that time cannot erase
    When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
    When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
    And I've held your hand through all of these years
    But you still have, all of me

    I'd love to walk away

    And pull myself out of the rain
    But I cant leave without you
    I'd love to live without
    The constant fear and endless doubt
    But I can't live without you

    When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

    When youd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
    And I've held your hand through all of these years
    But you still have all, of me

    new update new blogger !

    hello people !
    nurshaffin aida
     MJSC Batu Pahat student
    thats all;